How to Prepare Your Roof Top Tent for Windy Conditions
Here’s the scenario: As the sun starts to set, the wind starts to kick up. The wind doesn't feel very strong, but it can be unpredictable. Since we manufacture our tents in-house, we ensure each one meets our 4-season standards. Every roof top tent we make is tested in winds up to 35MPH, so you can be confident that it will offer you comfortable protection from the elements. We've even heard of customers camping in wind gusts up to 60MPH!
Follow these steps to reinforce your setup and ensure your RTT weathers the storm.
1. After arriving at your campsite, park your vehicle so the hard shell of your RTT will be positioned into the wind to deflect any gusts.
2. Deploy your tent and find the ladder hinges. They are located on the top rung of the ladder where it attaches to the tent.
3. Take a guy line and run it from the ladder hinge at a 45 degree angle to the ground. Repeat the process on the other side of your ladder hinge.
4. Boom! You’re set to camp in winds up to 35mph. It doesn't matter if you're in the desert or a snowy tundra, our tents are meant to handle whatever you throw at them!