5 Hacks to Level Up Your Spring Camping Experience

5 Hacks to Level Up Your Spring Camping Experience

Written By: iKamper
March 22, 2023

Finally, spring has arrived! It’s the perfect time to go camping and start a new season of adventures with your roof top tent. While spring often shows its most beautiful and breathtaking side, there are other times during this transitional season when nature turns harsh and challenging. In order for you to be prepared for any circumstances camping in spring, we at iKamper want to share 5 tips to level up your camping experience during this special time of year!



Weather can often be unpredictable in spring, particularly with the current effects of global warming. Quick shifts back and forth between cold and warm are the norm and heavily influence the way you should pack for your next camping adventure. 

Temperature shifts are not the only thing to prepare for; sudden rainfall and heavy winds can negatively impact your trip when not properly prepared for. Bring clothing and camping gear that covers you for all possibilities. Bring layers for when the temperature drops at night and plenty of firewood to burn. Want more reassurance? The Insulation Tent provides a toasty atmosphere inside your RTT and peace of mind when potentially facing freezing conditions.


Springtime is when new life is in full force. Trees are in leaf, flowers are in bloom, and animals and insects are multiplying before your eyes. What has been forgotten over the winter can be an unpleasant reminder during your first camping trip in spring! Watch out for aggressive and protective behavior from animals of any kind, and keep a watchful eye out for dangerous animals like bears, cougars, and wolves. 

In addition, mosquitos and other pesky insects start breeding, stinging, and biting again. Protect yourself with full-coverage clothing, and insect repellent, and turn down the lights at night so you don’t attract insects. Lastly, don’t forget to use the mosquito netting layer on your iKamper RTT’s windows! They allow for fresh air while keeping bugs out.


Not only do you want to avoid getting soaked by spring rain yourself, but your gear and equipment also need to be kept dry. Consider protecting your camping setup with a Rain Canopy or Awning, a Shoe Rack to store muddy boots, or give yourself an entire room to stay dry in with an Annex

Furthermore, be mindful of condensation in your tent. While condensation will naturally occur when using a tent, proper ventilation is key to keeping your tent dry and free of mold or mildew. If it’s too wet and rainy to ventilate while you’re camping, make sure to open your tent and let it dry completely at your earliest opportunity.


With storms and heavy winds being possible in spring, you will want to consider one of the best iKamper RTT hacks: turning your hard shell to face the direction the wind is coming from. Turning your hard shell so that it faces the wind creates an effective shield against gusts and incoming storms. It will also minimize noise and shaking so you get a better night's sleep, even in inclement weather! Keep in mind that in order for your Awning or Annex not to get blown away, they need to be properly staked down so the wind can’t get underneath and uproot them.


Dealing with changing weather can be tough for your body and cost you a lot of energy. Prepare food and dishes that provide the energy needed to sustain you throughout your entire camping trip. Luckily, there’s no more convenient way to cook those hearty meals than with the Aioks and accessories. This all-in-one kitchen system offers not only two stoves and storage for your cookware and utensils, but also a fold-out table that seats up to four people!

As always, we hope this article is helpful and informative! If you've got any questions about taking your iKamper RTT out in spring or about any of the products mentioned in this article, reach out to us at support@ikamper.com and we'll be glad to answer those questions.
